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Turkish University Is Giving Students Fully Funded Scholarships

Across a range of degree levels, Sabanci University in Turkey is providing scholarships to overseas students for the 2024–2025 academic year. For students seeking undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate degrees, this scholarship opportunity offers complete financial support by covering tuition costs, monthly stipends, and dormitory support.

Istanbul the capital of Turkey, eastern tourist city.

Scholarship Coverage

The Sabanci University Scholarship 2024–25 is a fully financed opportunity that includes monthly stipends, dormitory help, and exemptions from tuition fees. For ten months, master’s students get a monthly stipend of 2,500 TL in addition to dorm accommodations. In addition to dorm accommodations, doctoral students are provided with a stipend of 3,000 TL for a duration of 12 months. Both master’s and doctorate students are eligible for full tuition fee waivers and dormitory help.

Eligibility and Application Process

All international students are eligible to apply for the scholarship. To be considered, applicants must fulfill the requirements and submit the necessary documents by the specified deadlines. The application deadline for master’s and doctoral degrees is 7th June 2024, while undergraduate admissions deadline is 29th August 2024.

Available Study Fields

Sabanci University offers a diverse range of academic programs across various faculties. These include programs in engineering and natural sciences, arts and social sciences, and business studies. From computer science and engineering to economics and business analytics, students have ample choices to pursue their academic interests.

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Under this faculty, students can explore programs such as computer science and engineering, electronics engineering, industrial engineering, mathematics, and more. The faculty offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in various fields, providing comprehensive education and research opportunities.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Students interested in cultural studies, economics, history, political science, psychology, and visual arts have numerous options within this faculty. From undergraduate to doctoral levels, these programs cater to diverse academic interests and career aspirations.

Sabanci Business School

The business school offers programs like MSc in Business Analytics, MBA, and management at both undergraduate and master’s levels. These programs provide students with essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic field of business and management.

Application Requirements

Applicants must adhere to specific requirements outlined by the university to qualify for the scholarship. Details regarding application requirements are available on the university’s website.

How to Apply

The application process for the Sabanci University Scholarship 2024-25 is conducted online. There is no separate application for the scholarship; instead, applicants are automatically considered upon admission. Links for undergraduate and graduate applications are provided on the university’s website for easy access.
Apply for BS
Apply for MS, PHD

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