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Chulalongkorn University Scholarships 2024 for BBA Students in Thailand

Chulalongkorn University Scholarships: For the academic year 2024, Chulalongkorn University in Thailand is pleased to provide scholarships to foreign and dual-passport Thai students for its Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) foreign Program. The objective of this program is to enhance the educational setting by including a range of global viewpoints.

Key Scholarship Details for Academic Year 2024

Eligibility: Open to international students (non-Thai passport holders) and Thai students with dual citizenship.


  • First Academic Year: Full scholarships covering tuition and special fees for all admitted international students.
  • Subsequent Years: Partial scholarships are provided each semester, with amounts of THB 55,000 (approx. USD 1,774) for Fall and Spring semesters, and THB 31,500 (approx. USD 1,016) for the Summer semester.

Conditions for Scholarship Continuation:

  • Students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.00. Failure to do so in the first year will result in a reduction to a partial scholarship of THB 55,000 in the second semester.
  • Full scholarship for the first year followed by partial scholarships for the remainder of the program, contingent upon academic performance.

Application Process?

Interested international students can submit their application for BBA Scholarship of Chulalongkorn University online. This BBA scholarship program underscores Chulalongkorn University’s commitment to internationalizing its academic environment by supporting the education of international students. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online and become part of a vibrant, diverse community of learners.

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