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Scholarships at Northern Arizona University (NAU) for 2024

Scholarships from Northern Arizona University (NAU) are now being offered to qualifying graduate students, transfer students, and first-year undergraduates for the 2024 academic year. There are several of options for you as an international or domestic student to get funding for your education. All the information you require to apply for scholarships at NAU is provided here.

Who Can Apply?

For eligible first-year undergraduates and transfer students, NAU provides institutional grants and scholarships. For graduate students who meet the requirements, Tier II Athletic Scholarships are further offered. Applicants must fulfill all prerequisites for normal admission to the institution in order to be evaluated for either the fall or spring semester. It’s crucial to remember that even while scholarships might pay for tuition and fees, students are still in charge of other costs including those for admission, housing applications, and enrollment confirmation.

Scholarship Categories and Amounts

Based on academic excellence, NAU provides many scholarship categories to both foreign and U.S. resident students. Depending on the type of scholarship and the student’s academic standing, these NAU scholarships might be worth anywhere from $3,000 to $22,000.

1# Scholarships for U.S. Residents

There are many levels of academic merit scholarships offered to citizens of the United States, ranging from the $3,000 Foundation Scholarship to the $8,000 NAU Scholarship. The GPA and SAT/ACT scores determine eligibility, and the renewal criteria range from a CGPA of 2.25 to 3.75.

2#Scholarships for International Students

Similar academic excellence scholarships are available to international students, although they provide far larger sums to fund their education. These vary in value, with the NAU Scholarship costing $22,000 and the Foundation Scholarship costing $12,000. Furthermore, there are financial aid options available in the form of Academic Excellence Awards and Exceptional Merit Scholarships (EMS), which are determined by a combination of leadership, community service, and academic achievement.

Application Process

To apply for NAU scholarships, prospective students must submit all required documents, including SAT/ACT scores, high school transcripts, and any previous college transcripts, by the specified deadlines.

Scholarship Application Deadlines

  • For Fall 2024: July 15, 2024
  • For Spring 2025: December 16, 2024

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