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Five-Day Free Tour of South Korea in 2024 through Visit Korea Year Celebrations Program

The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, in partnership with the Korea Tourism Organization, is pleased to announce a special program called “KOREA invites U” as part of the celebrations for “Visit Korea Year 2023-2024.” This is an unmatched show of warmth and hospitality.

Who’s Invited?

The requirements for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity are designed to guarantee a genuinely intimate and significant encounter. You are the ideal candidate if you are a non-Korean citizen living abroad, have interesting anecdotes, experiences, or links to this vibrant nation, and are open to an exciting adventure between May 20 and May 24, 2024!

A Journey Tailored to You

The five-day adventure that is painstakingly crafted to touch your heart and soul is what the “KOREA invites U” program promises to be more than simply a getaway. A required joint excursion on May 21st is part of the agenda, which gives you the chance to experience Korea’s rich history and culture with other aficionados. A three-day customized tour program that is tailored to your personal history and ties to Korea will then be provided, guaranteeing a vacation that is as distinctive as you are.

With round-way tickets to Korea, transport fees, four nights of lodging, and travel insurance all included, your trip will be worry-free. It’s also advised that you bring one more person with you who needs to be by your side or who shares your narrative, whether they be a child, an old person, or a person with a disability.

How to Make This Dream Come True?

Ready to embark on this journey? Here’s how:

  1. Visit Korea Invites U between March 19 and April 19, 2024, and hit “Apply” to find the application form.
  2. Share your personal stories, memories, or connections to Korea, enhancing your application with photos and videos to truly bring your narrative to life.
  3. Submit your application before the deadline on April 19, 2024, at 23:59:59 (KST).

The Selection Process: A Journey to Your Story

Each application will undergo a thorough evaluation, with potential for an online interview as part of the selection process. Winners will be notified individually via email on April 30, 2024.

2 thoughts on “Five-Day Free Tour of South Korea in 2024 through Visit Korea Year Celebrations Program

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