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Austria Worker VISA 2024 Qualifications, Procedure, and Expenses Detailed

Under its Red-White-Red Card system, Austria provides a range of work visa choices in an effort to draw highly talented workers to fields where there is a skills shortage. One of these is the Job Seeker Visa, which is intended to give highly qualified foreign nationals the freedom to go to Austria in order to look for work.

Because modest changes to the points calculation, shortage occupation list, financial conditions, and application procedure were made to Austria’s Job Seeker Visa program in 2024. Thus, this post will provide you an up-to-date, comprehensive summary of the Austrian Job Seeker Visa’s objectives, advantages, qualifying requirements, employment fields, expenses, application procedure, and conversion process.

Purpose and Benefits of the Austrian Job Seeker Visa

Purpose: The main goal of the Job Seeker Visa is to draw highly qualified individuals to Austria from non-EU nations, even if they haven’t yet received a job offer. With this visa, people can go to Austria and look for work for a predetermined amount of time.


  • Job Search Opportunity: Holders can actively search for a job in Austria for six months.
  • Multiple Entries: The visa allows for multiple entries into Austria during its validity period.
  • Pathway to Red-White-Red Card: If a job is secured within the six-month period, the visa can be converted into a Red-White-Red Card, which is a work and residence permit.

Eligibility Criteria for This VISA

To qualify for the Job Seeker Visa, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Points-Based System: A minimum of 70 points is required based on age, qualifications, work experience, language skills, and adaptability.
  • Financial Means: Demonstrate sufficient funds to support oneself during the stay in Austria (currently €948.64 per month).
  • Health Insurance: Have valid health insurance coverage for the entire duration of stay.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Provide a certificate of good conduct from the home country.

Points Required for Austrian job seeker visa in 2024?

To apply for the Austrian Job Seeker Visa in 2024, you need to score a minimum of 70 points based on the following criteria:

1# Special Qualifications and Skills (Max 40 points):

  • University degree (minimum 4 years): 20 points
  • Degree in MINT subjects (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, or technology): 30 points
  • PhD or post-doctoral qualification: 40 points
  • High salary in a senior management position: 20-30 points
  • Research/innovation activities (patents, publications): 20 points
  • Awards (recognized prizes): 20 points

2# Work Experience (Max 20 points):

  • Work experience per year: 2 points
  • Six months work experience in Austria: 10 points

3# Language Skills (Max 10 points):

  • Basic German or English (A1 level): 5 points
  • Intensified basic German or English (A2 level): 10 points
  • Independent use of French, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian, or Serbian (B1 level): 5 points

4# Age (Max 20 points):

  • Up to 35 years old: 20 points
  • Up to 40 years old: 15 points
  • Up to 45 years old: 10 points

5# Studies in Austria (Max 10 points):

  • Half of diploma program or half of ECTS points: 5 points
  • Completed diploma program or Bachelor’s/Master’s degree: 10 points

You can calculate your points here: https://www.migration.gv.at/en/service-and-links/points-calculator/

Job Occupations Allowed Under Austrian Job Seeker VISA

While on a Job Seeker Visa, individuals can apply for skill shortage list jobs (Reference) that align with their qualifications and skills and the job must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the Red-White-Red Card:

  • Shortage Occupations: Ideally, the job should be listed as a shortage occupation in Austria. The list is available on the official AMS website.
  • Minimum Salary: The job should offer a salary that meets the specified threshold for the qualification level.
  • Relevant Qualifications: The job must match the applicant’s qualifications and experience.
  • Employment Contract: A valid employment contract with an Austrian employer is required.

Costs Involved: The costs associated with the Job Seeker Visa of Austria are:

  • Application Fee: €150
  • Additional Fees: May apply for document translations and certifications.

How Can You Apply for Job Seeker VISA for Austria in 2024?

The application process for the Job Seeker Visa involves the following steps:

  1. Prepare Documents: Gather all required documents, including proof of qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, financial means, and health insurance.
  2. Submit Application: https://www.migration.gv.at/en/types-of-immigration/permanent-immigration/very-highly-qualified-workers/
  3. Processing Time: The processing time can take up to three months.
  4. Approval: If approved, the applicant will receive a Job Seeker Visa (type D) valid for six months.

Conversion of Job Seeker Visa to Red-White-Red Card Work VISA

After securing a job, it is mandatory to convert the Job Seeker Visa into a Red-White-Red Card (Reference) to legally work and reside in Austria and this conversion process includes:

  1. Submit Application: Submit the application to the responsible immigration authority (MA 35) as soon as a job is secured here https://www.wien.gv.at/english/administration/immigration/.
  2. Required Documents: Include a valid employment contract, proof of qualifications, proof of financial means, and health insurance coverage.
  3. Processing Time: The processing time for the Red-White-Red Card varies, so timely application is crucial.

For highly skilled individuals, the Austrian Job Seeker Visa offers a rare chance to investigate job options in Austria. People who satisfy the requirements and apply properly can use this visa to apply for jobs and eventually go on to a long-term work and residency permit under the Red-White-Red Card system.

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