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KAAD Scholarships 2024 in Germany for International Students

KAAD Scholarships 2024: Scholarship programs from the German Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) are designed to help students from impoverished nations who want to study postgraduately in Germany by offering both academic and financial assistance. Known for its comprehensive approach and dedication to producing global leaders, KAAD scholarships are distinguished by their emphasis on promoting intercultural and interreligious interaction. This page offers a condensed summary of the KAAD scholarships that are offered for the 2024–2021 academic year, including information on the advantages, prerequisites, partner colleges, and application procedure.

KAAD Scholarship Programs for 2024

KAAD administers several scholarship programs, each targeting different groups of potential scholars:

  • Scholarship Programme 1: This program caters to postgraduates and professionals from developing countries, offering scholarships for Master’s degrees and PhD studies.
  • Scholarship Programme 2: Aimed at students already in Germany, this program focuses on those nominated by Catholic University Chaplaincies.
  • Eastern Europe Programme: Similar to Programme 1, this initiative is tailored to students from Eastern Europe.

Benefits of KAAD Scholarships

The scholarships provide a comprehensive support package, including:

  • Financial Support: Covers living expenses, health insurance, and travel costs, with some programs offering a stipend for a preparatory language course in Germany.
  • Academic Opportunities: Scholars can pursue Master’s degrees, PhDs, or postdoctoral research across a variety of disciplines.
  • Language Support: Financial aid for German language courses is available for scholars needing to meet proficiency requirements.

Eligibility Criteria of KAAD Germany Scholarship Programme 2024

KAAD scholarships are open to applicants who meet the following conditions:

  • Citizenship and Residency: Applicants must hail from developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, or Latin America and reside there.
  • Academic Qualifications: Candidates should have a university degree and relevant work experience.
  • Language Proficiency: Basic German language skills are usually required such as Goethe-Zertifikat B2 Level or A2 level.
  • Commitment to Home Country: Applicants should intend to return home after their studies.
  • Religious Affiliation: Preference is given to Catholic applicants, though people of all religions may apply if they are committed to interreligious dialogue.

Participating Universities for KAAD 2024

KAAD scholarships are not restricted to specific German universities. Scholars have the flexibility to apply to any accredited university in Germany that offers a program aligning with their academic and professional goals.

Application Process

The application process varies by program and applicant location but generally involves the following steps:

  1. Selection of Program: Review KAAD’s scholarship offerings and choose the one that fits your academic and professional aspirations.
  2. Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the program’s specific eligibility criteria.
  3. Partner Organization Consultation: For Programme 1 and programme 2, applications must go through KAAD’s partner committees in the applicant’s home country.
  4. Document Preparation: Gather necessary documents, including academic transcripts, language test results, a motivation letter, and a CV.
  5. Submission: You can submit your KAAD Scholarship application using this form.

KAAD 2024 Application Deadline

The application deadlines for KAAD scholarships can vary depending on the specific program and the applicant’s home country. Generally, there’s no fixed deadline for Scholarship Programme 1 and the Eastern Europe Programme, as they accept applications on a rolling basis.

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