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France’s University Offering Fully Funded Masters Scholarship for Students, including Travel Expenses and Visa

For the academic year 2024–2025, Paris-Saclay University in France is giving fully financed scholarships to overseas students. This esteemed scholarship is to assist deserving students from all over the world in attending one of the top research universities in the world to pursue their Master’s degree.

Scholarship Coverage

Those who are accepted will receive a full package that includes living costs and tuition. The annual scholarship award is €10,000, which is distributed over ten months, starting in September and ending in June. Additionally, depending on their place of origin, individuals may receive up to €1,000 for travel and visa fees.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Paris-Saclay University International Scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Newly Admitted International Students: Applicants must be newly admitted to a Master’s program at Paris-Saclay University, with a maximum age of 30 years.
  2. Residency Requirement: Students must have lived in France for less than a year, either not enrolled in a certified training course or currently enrolled in language classes.
  3. Mobility Programs: Those who have participated in mobility programs during their studies in France, such as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, are eligible, provided the program did not lead to certification.

Ineligibility Criteria

Certain conditions render applicants ineligible for the scholarship, including:

  1. Prior Enrollment in French Institutions: Students previously or currently enrolled in French higher education institutions during their studies, except for international students enrolled in French institutions abroad, are not eligible.
  2. Extended Study Gaps: Applicants who have interrupted their studies for more than three consecutive years are ineligible.
  3. Other Funding Sources: Students receiving funding exceeding €650 per month from other sources are not eligible for this scholarship.

Application Process

  1. Master’s Program Application: Candidates must first apply for admission to a Master’s program at Paris-Saclay University by the deadline of April 30, 2024.
  2. Scholarship Application: Once selected for admission, candidates will receive a link to apply for the scholarship. The deadline for scholarship applications is May 3, 2024.
  3. Recommendations: Applicants must ensure that both recommendations are received by the university by May 7, 2024.
  4. Result Announcement: Results will be announced by the end of June 2024.

Apply Now

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