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University of Alberta in Canada Offering Full Scholarship Funds for Meriting Students

For the 2024–2025 academic year, the University of Alberta is providing a number of scholarships to overseas students. These scholarships offer completely supported opportunities for bright persons pursuing undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degrees.

Scholarship Coverage

The entire funding of the scholarships provided by the University of Alberta covers living expenses, tuition, and other educational expenditures.

Eligibility and Nationality

These scholarships are available to Canadian residents as well as international students of all nations.

Financial Benefits

These scholarships offer monetary rewards such as graduate excellence scholarships (AGES), doctorate recruiting scholarships, masters degree admission scholarships, gold standard scholarships, entrance scholarships, and scholarships for overseas students. The $5,000 to $17,500 range of these scholarships is contingent upon the program and the recipient’s academic standing.

Available Study Fields

Nursing, pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, medicine and dentistry, science, engineering, law, social sciences, business, fine arts and humanities, education, education of Native Americans, public health, agricultural life and environmental sciences, and rehabilitation medicine are just a few of the many academic programs offered by the University of Alberta.

Application Deadlines

There are four intakes each year for international students to apply for University of Alberta Scholarships in Canada. The deadlines for each intake are as follows:

  • July 1 for September admission
  • November 1 for January admission
  • March 1 for May admission
  • May 1 for July admission

How to Apply

To apply for University of Alberta Scholarships 2024-25, applicants can apply online through the university’s website. They need to create an account, fill out the application form, and upload the necessary documents.

Apply Now

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