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PIOUS Scholarship 2024 in the USA

PIOUS Scholarship 2024 in the USA: For Muslim students studying in the US, the Islamic Seminary of America’s PIOUS – Farooq I. Selod Scholarship 2024 presents a special chance. This research, which bears the name of Dr. Farooq I. Selod, a board member of The Islamic Seminary of America (TISA), is intended to assist the upcoming generation of Islamic scholars and leaders. Known for his commitment to Islamic education and social involvement, Dr. Selod left behind a legacy that still influences and uplifts the neighborhood.

PIOUS Scholarship Details

Two students per year may pursue a two-year, full-time Master of Arts in Islamic Studies program at TISA with all tuition and living expenses covered by this PIOUS fellowship. In order to provide students with the information and abilities needed to function as knowledgeable leaders in the Muslim community, the program offers specializations in Islamic Sciences and Religious Leadership.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Portal

To be eligible, applicants must identify with “Ahle Jama’at Wa Sunnah” and have a solid foundation in Islamic studies. The scholarship mandates that recipients contribute 20 hours per week for two years to community service in North America after graduation. Interested candidates must submit their PIOUS Scholarship online applications by March 30th, 2024, and can find more information by contacting james.jones@islamicseminary.us.

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