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ASUS Taiwan Tech Scholarships 2024 for International Students

ASUS Taiwan Tech Scholarships 2024: ASUS and the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) are pleased to present the ASUS Scholarship 2024, a ground-breaking program. This program is intended to assist foreign students who are studying master’s degrees in Taiwan with a focus on management, information technology, or electronics. The salient features of this scholarship, such as its advantages, qualifying requirements, and application procedure, are delineated below.

Introduction to ASUS and Taiwan Tech

ASUS is a prominent player in the worldwide technology industry, recognized for its inventive and user-friendly devices, parts, and solutions. ASUS’s attention to quality, innovation, and design, together with its goal of improving people’s lives, have gained it recognition on a worldwide scale and a spot among Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies.

Taiwan Tech is a shining example of academic brilliance, offering pupils a strong scientific and technology education. In partnership with Taiwan IT, ASUS provides students with an exceptional chance to interact with state-of-the-art technology and be ready for employment in the IT sector.

ASUS Scholarship Benefits and Value

The ASUS Scholarship provides comprehensive support for its recipients, including:

  • Tuition and Fee Waiver: Full coverage for up to two years of study.
  • Travel Subsidy: Up to NTD 60,000 for economy class return airfare to Taiwan.
  • Living Allowance: NTD 12,000 per month, for the duration of up to two years.
  • Language Course Subsidy: Up to NTD 20,000, with specific requirements for registration and attendance.
  • Professional Development: Internship opportunities, job training at ASUS, and a two-year position at ASUS after graduation.

Now Lets Check its Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the ASUS Scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be international students, including Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macao students, holding a bachelor’s degree from a university outside of Taiwan.
  • Have completed their degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Design, or a closely related field.
  • Submit all required documentation, such as resume/CV, academic transcripts, degree certificates, and a letter of recommendation.

Important Note: Students already receiving financial aid from Taiwan Tech or the Taiwan government, enrolled concurrently at Taiwan Tech and another Taiwanese university, or engaged in full-time employment in Taiwan are not eligible.

How to Apply for ASUS Taiwan Tech Scholarship 2024 Batch?

Interested students can apply online through the Taiwan Tech admissions portal. The application process includes the submission of the scholarship documents to demonstrate eligibility and qualifications for the scholarship.

Application Deadline: March 28, 2024.

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