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Khalifa University in UAE Offering Fully Funded Scholarship to Students

Abu Dhabi-based Khalifa University (KU) has announced a new scholarship program for the Fall 2024 intake, catering to both UAE nationals and international students. The initiative aims to provide students an opportunity to pursue higher education in the UAE without financial constraints. Eligibility Criteria: Master’s Degree Program Applicants: Doctoral Degree Program Applicants: Exemption from English…

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Azerbaijan University Offering Fully Funded Scholarship with Monthly Stipend to Students

Khazar University in Azerbaijan is inviting applications for its International Scholarship Program 2024-25. This scholarship aims to support international women students who wish to pursue a master’s or doctorate degree at the university. Eligibility Criteria: Required Documents: Financial Benefits: The Khazar University International Scholarship 2024-25 is a fully funded scholarship covering: Application Deadline: The last…

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Scholarships at Northern Arizona University (NAU) for 2024

Scholarships from Northern Arizona University (NAU) are now being offered to qualifying graduate students, transfer students, and first-year undergraduates for the 2024 academic year. There are several of options for you as an international or domestic student to get funding for your education. All the information you require to apply for scholarships at NAU is…

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