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Demand for Australian Skills Employment Visas for 2025

The recently announced Australian Skills in Demand Visa, which will be available by the end of 2024, is a big step forward for Australia as it prepares to attract talented workers from abroad beginning in 2025. The goal of Australia’s future skills-in-demand visa is to better match qualified foreign labor with the country’s labor needs. It is a deliberate change in immigration policy to encourage innovation and economic growth.

Overview of the Skills in Demand Visa

The Australian government announced this visa in December 2023 as part of a broader Migration Strategy to address skill shortages and enhance the mobility and retention of global talent. It’s intended to replace the existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa, offering a more streamlined and flexible approach to skilled migration.

Three Pathways for Skills in Demand Visa are Announced

The Skills in Demand Visa introduces three distinct pathways, each catering to different skill levels and salary brackets:

  1. Specialist Skills Pathway: aimed at elite professionals making more than AUD 135,000 each year. This option, which offers quick visa processing periods of around seven days, is intended for highly trained workers in vital occupations. It is designed to draw in experts who can make major contributions to the Australian economy, but it does not include laborers, drivers, tradespeople, or operators of machinery.
  2. Core Skills Pathway: For professionals working in occupations included in the recently created Core Skills Occupation List, with yearly earnings ranging from AUD 70,000 to AUD 135,000. Jobs and Skills Australia is in charge of this list, which focuses on occupying important positions in the labor market.
  3. Essential Skills Pathway: This pathway, which is now in development, will serve those making less than AUD 70,000 per year in critical professions, especially in the elderly care and disability services sectors. It seeks to reduce labor market gaps and guarantee high employment standards.

What are the Benefits of New Aurtalian Skills in Demand VISA?

The visa is structured to enhance the efficiency of the immigration process, offering up to a 4-year visa validity and promising faster processing times. This skills in demand visa (https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/what-we-do/skilled-migration-program) also provides increased job security, allowing up to 180 days for visa holders to secure new employment if they lose their jobs. Moreover, all pathways outlined offer clear routes to permanent residency, which is highly appealing to those seeking long-term opportunities in Australia.

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