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Germany Evangelisches Studienwerk Scholarships 2024

The 2024 batch of Evangelisches Studienwerk Scholarships offers a wide range of financial aid, academic enrichment, and professional development opportunities to students throughout Germany. These scholarships are available to students from all disciplines who demonstrate a great love for their studies and an interest in interdisciplinary issues. They are intended for students attending universities of applied sciences and conventional institutions.

Germany Evangelisches Studienwerk Scholarships 2024

Benefits of Scholarship

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s rules are used to establish the maximum monthly payment of 812 Euros for recipients of the Evangelisches Studienwerk Scholarships. In addition, an extra 300 Euros is awarded to support study-related expenses. Part-time study is not supported by the program, though.

Enhanced Learning Opportunities

An active academic life is promoted by the program, which hosts a summer university at the Villigst Campus. In this context, professionals, professors, and students from different backgrounds come together to debate a range of subjects in an interdisciplinary setting. Additionally, by paying for study or work abroad expenditures, the award encourages students to get international experience and promotes mandated internships.

Eligibility and Application Requirements

Candidates must have both academic suitability and a commitment to society. One of the prerequisites is membership in a Protestant church, however non-members with a strong motivation letter may be granted admission despite this requirement. For non-German nationals, confirmation of German language competency is also necessary, as is EU citizenship or eligibility under the German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). Without the payment of a 12 Euro processing fee, the application is not complete.

Application Process

Prospective students should apply online for Evangelisches Studienwerk Scholarships 2024 in Germany, submitting necessary documents such as a detailed CV, a letter of motivation, academic transcripts, and a university entrance certificate. Special provisions are made for applicants over 35 and those with refugee status. The selection process includes a preliminary interview followed by a two-day main selection event at Haus Villigst, featuring group and individual interviews.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the summer semester of 2024 for Evangelisches Studienwerk Scholarship is 15th July 2024. Following this, the selection processes will occur in late 2024, with the main selection events scheduled for early 2025.

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