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International Students’ Singapore Pre-graduate (SIPGA) Scholarships 2024

The Singapore Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) 2024 is intended for aspirational overseas students who are keen to investigate Singapore’s dynamic scientific environment. It opens doors to a world of scientific discovery. This esteemed grant, which is managed by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), presents a singular chance to collaborate with internationally recognized experts in a fast-paced research setting.

Who Is Eligible?

  • Target Audience: 3rd and 4th-year undergraduates and master’s students from overseas universities.
  • Fields of Study: Computing and Information Science, Biomedical Science, Physical Science, or Engineering-related disciplines.
  • Additional Criteria: Applicants must have a strong academic record, proficiency in English, and a keen interest in pursuing a research career.

What SIPGA Offers

  • Stipend: Awardees receive a monthly stipend of S$2,000.
  • Duration: Attachments can last from two to six months, offering flexibility to accommodate academic schedules.
  • Exposure: Gain hands-on experience in A*STAR’s Research Entities, exploring interdisciplinary projects across Biomedical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Computing and Information Sciences, and Engineering and Technology.

How to Apply for SIPGA 2024?

  1. Explore Projects: Start by downloading the SIPGA project list to choose a project that aligns with your interests.
  2. Prepare Documents: Gather a copy of your passport, academic transcripts (with translations if necessary), and an updated resume or CV.
  3. Application Submission: Apply online here, selecting up to three projects of interest.
  4. Online Interview: If shortlisted, an online interview with an A*STAR researcher awaits you.
  5. Outcome: Successful applicants will be notified within two months after the interview.

Application Deadline

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but it’s crucial to apply at least four months before your intended start date so delve deeper into A*STAR Research Institutes and the cutting-edge research conducted there by visiting this link.

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