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Joint PhD Scholarship 2024 from the Mérieux Foundation and IRD

A combined PhD fellowship program has been launched by the Mérieux Foundation and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) for the 2024–2025 academic year. Through financial support to PhD candidates working on joint projects between the two universities, this program seeks to strengthen the diagnostic and research capacity of laboratories within the GABRIEL network.

Scholarship Sponsorship Details

The Mérieux Foundation PHD fellowship provides a monthly living expenditure contribution based on the pay scale of a junior researcher in the host country, with a maximum award of 50,000 euros spread over 36 months. The beneficiary’s thesis costs are covered by this financing, which is overseen by the host laboratory, without going beyond the salary range for jobs comparable to the beneficiary’s. Throughout the duration of the scholarship, the host laboratory is also in charge of making sure the candidate is covered by social security.

Eligibility Criteria

For the academic year 2024–2025, applicants must be enrolled as PhD students at a French doctoral institution. Those who want to enroll are welcome to apply, whether or not they will be working as co-tutors at a PhD program in their own nation. A thorough application package, comprising a curriculum vitae, motivation letter, thesis research proposal, and commitment letters from participating schools and directors, is required for the fellowship.

Application Process

Applications for the Mérieux Foundation doctoral scholarship must be submitted by April 30, 2024. Candidates are advised to send their completed applications in French or English via email to both florence.pradel@fondation-merieux.org and sante@ird.fr. The selection process involves a review by a committee composed of representatives from both the Mérieux Foundation and IRD, with short-listed candidates being notified by May 13, 2024, for interviews.

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