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Kokoro Scholarship 2024 by One Young World

A joint effort by One Young World and Kokoro, the Kokoro Scholarship 2024 seeks to support young Indigenous leaders in the USA and Canada who are leading the way in creative mental health solutions for their communities.

Who is Kokoro?

Kokoro is a non-profit organization founded by Natasha Müller with the goal of organizing action and resources to create a mentally healthy society by 2035. The group sees a day when world leaders will acknowledge and take action on the data demonstrating the advantages of good mental health for people, the environment, and society as a whole.

What Does the Scholarship Offer?

Selected scholars will gain:

  • Full delegate access to the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal/Tiohtià:ke, Canada, from September 18-21.
  • Participation in the exclusive One Young World Indigenous Day on September 17, 2024.
  • Accommodation in Montréal for the duration of the summit (September 16-21, 2024).
  • Catered meals throughout the summit.
  • Round-trip airfare.
  • Lifetime membership in the One Young World Ambassador Community.
  • An opportunity to join Kokoro’s network of Fellow Activators, who work to advance mental health initiatives globally.

One Young World Indigenous Day

This pre-summit event, which is slated for September 17, 2024, is a special gathering of young Indigenous and First Nations leaders from all across the world. It provides a forum for exchanging experiences, encouraging reciprocal education, and honoring the rich cultural variety of Indigenous cultures. With this, you may use the Kokoro Scholarship 2024 online application.page: https://www.oneyoungworld.com/scholarships/kokoro/2024

Selection Criteria

Applicants must:

  • Be between 18 and 30 years old by the date of the One Young World Summit 2024.
  • Reside in the USA or Canada.
  • Identify as members of an Indigenous community.
  • Play a leadership role in an initiative or organization dedicated to improving the mental health of Indigenous peoples.

Application Deadline: The application deadline for Kokoro scholarship closes on May 15, 2024.

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