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List of US Universities Nearing Their July 15, 2024, Deadlines

List of US Universities: The approaching months will see important application deadlines for several esteemed colleges in the United States as the academic year moves forward. Those who are keen to pursue their aspirations of a higher education should exercise extra caution throughout the months of May, June, and July of 2024. These are the most important months to apply for scholarships and maybe secure one.

Due dates are dispersed across the summer, so it’s imperative that students plan ahead and gather their application documents well in advance. Whether it’s completing their personal statements, obtaining reference letters, or organizing their transcripts, students will be better able to achieve these deadlines if they start early. Now is the perfect moment to take action and guarantee a spot in the academic programs that have the potential to greatly influence one’s career path.

List of US Universities Nearing Their July 15, 2024, Deadlines

US Universities with May 2024 Admission Deadlines

US Universities with June 2024 Admission Deadlines:

  • Louisiana Tech University, Ruston – 1 June
  • Monmouth University – 1 June
  • California State University, Fresno – 1 June
  • Kent State University – 1 June
  • New York Institute of Technology – 1 June
  • Syracuse University – 1 June
  • Texas A & M University, Kingsville – 1 June
  • Texas State University – 1 June (Final)
  • University of Arkansas, Fayetteville – 1 June
  • University of Arkansas, Little Rock – 1 June
  • University of California, Riverside – 1 June (without Aid)
  • University of Detroit, Mercy – 1 June
  • University of Illinois, Springfield – 1 June
  • Florida Institute of Technology – 8 June
  • Drexel University – 13 June
  • Marist College, Poughkeepsie – 15 June
  • California State University, Northridge – 15 June
  • George Mason University, Fairfax – 15 June
  • Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla – 15 June (Final)
  • Tulane University – 15 June

US Universities with July 2024 Admission Deadlines:

  • Florida State University – 1 July
  • Lamar University – 1 July
  • Minnesota State University, Mankato – 1 July
  • Arkansas State University – 3 July
  • Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville – 15 July
  • University of Bridgeport – 15 July

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