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International Students’ Singapore Pre-graduate (SIPGA) Scholarships 2024

The Singapore Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) 2024 is intended for aspirational overseas students who are keen to investigate Singapore’s dynamic scientific environment. It opens doors to a world of scientific discovery. This esteemed grant, which is managed by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), presents a singular chance to collaborate with internationally recognized experts…

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Shenyang Agricultural University (SYAU) Scholarships 2024

With the goal of encouraging and supporting foreign students to continue their studies in China, Shenyang Agricultural University (SYAU) has announced the Freshman Scholarship for International Students for the year 2024. This scholarship program is an expression of SYAU’s dedication to developing elite talent worldwide. Who is Eligible? The Freshman Scholarship is designed for international…

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South Korean University Offering Fully Scholarship with Monthly Stipend to Students

South Korean University: For its Fall 2024 intake, the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), which offers the esteemed GIST Scholarship for Masters, Master Leading to Ph.D., and Doctoral Degree programs, is accepting online applications. GIST, a renowned institution in Gwangju, South Korea, is accepting applications from overseas students. In 2023, it achieved the…

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Khalifa University in UAE Offering Fully Funded Scholarship to Students

Abu Dhabi-based Khalifa University (KU) has announced a new scholarship program for the Fall 2024 intake, catering to both UAE nationals and international students. The initiative aims to provide students an opportunity to pursue higher education in the UAE without financial constraints. Eligibility Criteria: Master’s Degree Program Applicants: Doctoral Degree Program Applicants: Exemption from English…

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Saudi Airlines Announces Job Vacancies with Salary Upto 17,000 Riyals

Saudi Airlines has released job openings with salaries reaching up to 17,000 Riyals, offering lucrative employment opportunities. The announcement signifies the airline’s commitment to expanding its workforce and attracting skilled professionals. With competitive pay scales, employees can anticipate financial stability and growth prospects within the organization. This move reflects the airline’s dedication to providing rewarding…

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Azerbaijan University Offering Fully Funded Scholarship with Monthly Stipend to Students

Khazar University in Azerbaijan is inviting applications for its International Scholarship Program 2024-25. This scholarship aims to support international women students who wish to pursue a master’s or doctorate degree at the university. Eligibility Criteria: Required Documents: Financial Benefits: The Khazar University International Scholarship 2024-25 is a fully funded scholarship covering: Application Deadline: The last…

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