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Poland Work VISA (A, B, C, D, S) Qualifications and Documentary Needs in 2024

Poland has grown to be a desirable location for laborers due to its abundance of job possibilities in a variety of industries. If you’re thinking about relocating to Poland in 2024 for employment, you should be aware of the qualifications and documentation needs in order to get a Polish work visa. You may easily traverse the procedure with the aid of this guide, which offers a simplified overview.

General Eligibility Criteria for Poland Work Visas in 2024

To work in Poland, you must meet some general requirements, regardless of the visa type:

  • Job Offer: A valid job offer from a Polish employer is essential.
  • Work Permit: Your employer must secure a work permit on your behalf, which usually involves passing a labor market test.
  • Passport: A valid passport with at least 3-6 months of validity beyond your intended stay in Poland.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Evidence of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay.
  • Health Insurance: Valid health insurance covers your entire stay in Poland.

Types of Poland Work Visas and Specific Eligibility

We already did a detailed post on different types of Polish work visas but here we are going to tell you the exact specific reason to have one of these in 2024:

1# Type A Visa (Highly Qualified Worker)

This visa is for individuals with high-level qualifications and work experience, offering a job with a salary exceeding a certain threshold.

2# Type B Visa (Seasonal Worker)

Applicable for seasonal work in sectors like agriculture or tourism, valid for the specific period of the work.

3# Type C Visa (Intra-Corporate Transfer)

Is available for employees of multinational companies being transferred to a Polish branch in managerial or specialist positions.

4# Type D Visa (Work Visa)

The standard visa for general employment requires a secured job offer and work permit.

5# Type S Visa (Short-Stay Work Visa)

Issued for short-term projects not exceeding 90 days, requiring an invitation from a Polish entity.

Document Requirements for Poland Work Visas

Now you might also wonder which documents are needed to apply for each of above mentioned Poland work visa types so for that let’s divide this section into 2 parts. The following first part contains the list of common documents required for all types of Polish work visa applications whereas in second part you will find VISA specific document requirements.

Common Documents for All Types of Polish Work VISAs:

  • Valid Passport: Must have at least 3 months of validity beyond your stay.
  • Completed Visa Application Form: Fillable electronically via the e-Konsulate system.
  • Two Recent Passport-Sized Photos: Compliant with specified requirements.
  • Proof of Health Insurance: With a minimum coverage amount, usually around €30,000.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Such as a hotel booking, rental agreement, or host letter.

Additional Documents by Poland Work Visa Type:

  • Type A: Qualifications proof, work experience documents, and proof of salary.
  • Type B: Employment contract for seasonal work and accommodation proof.
  • Type C: Employment proof with the company abroad, position documentation, and transfer letter.
  • Type D: Valid work permit and employment contract detailing position and terms.
  • Type S: Invitation letter for short-term services and qualifications proof.

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