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Positive Update! Google to Offer 45,000 AI Scholarships to Students in Pakistan

Google to Offer 45,000 AI Scholarships to Students in Pakistan. Google has launched a major plan to provide 45,000 scholarships for Pakistani students in order to encourage AI study in that country. The Google AI Essentials course is intended to equip recipients with the newest AI capabilities through these scholarships.

For those who have never used AI before, the Google AI Essentials course is especially made for them. It equips them with the knowledge and abilities they need to increase productivity. It provides students with practical experience with a range of AI tools, allowing them to learn how to efficiently use AI to develop ideas and accelerate daily chores.

The course, which is taught in English and is available on Coursera, addresses issues like creating compelling prompts and applying AI sensibly by identifying its possible biases. Participants can also obtain Google Career Certificates (GCC), which equip them with real-world experience using AI in the industry and prepare them for entry-level positions in cybersecurity, data analytics, and digital marketing.

Google has further contributed to the development of the AI ecosystem in Pakistan by launching a number of initiatives to help freelancers improve their abilities in partnership with the Pakistan Freelancers Association (PAFLA).

With this effort, Google is taking a big step toward democratizing AI education and giving Pakistani students the chance to gain useful skills in this quickly developing subject. These scholarships have made high-quality AI education more accessible, enabling more people to get ready for lucrative professions in a variety of industries.

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