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Prepare for the 2025 University of Tokyo MEXT Scholarship Recommendations

University of Tokyo MEXT. International students will have the chance to attend the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Science and pursue advanced degrees through the 2025 University Recommended Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship. Accompanied by MEXT, the scholarship will assist academically outstanding candidates in their future studies in Japan by paying for tuition, providing a monthly stipend, and covering travel costs.


A complete financial package will be provided to scholars, which will include travel expenses to and from Japan, a significant monthly stipend, and full tuition exemptions. The goal of this assistance is to free up students’ finances so they may concentrate on their academics and research.

The monthly stipend for Master’s students and Doctoral students in the 2025 MEXT scholarship batch at University of Tokyo is ¥144,000 and ¥145,000, respectively, and is subject to change dependent on the government budget.


Candidates must be non-Japanese nationals with outstanding academic records in order to be eligible. Candidates must fulfill certain health and age requirements, have the necessary command of the English or Japanese language, and be prepared to begin classes in Tokyo by October 2025.

Candidates must show that they are proficient in either Japanese or English. Japanese speakers must have at least a N2 level on the JLPT, while English speakers require a B2 level on the CEFR scale (e.g., TOEFL iBT 72 or IELTS 5.5).

Application Process

The application process for the 2025 cycle at University of Tokyo for MEXT scholarship will soon open, inviting eligible students to submit their documents online within the designated window. Candidates must provide transcripts, proof of language skills, a research plan, and other relevant documentation as part of their application package.

Application Deadline

The 2025 University Recommended Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship is anticipated to have an application period that begins on October 10, 2024, and ends on October 31, 2024. It is recommended that applicants prepare and submit the necessary documentation by this deadline in order to be considered for the scholarship.

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