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Scholarships for Poland Summer Courses at Polish Universities in 2024

Are you a scholar or an academic instructor who is passionate about learning and discovering other cultures? Through its summer courses in 2024, the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in Poland offers you a unique chance to immerse yourself in Polish language, culture, and history. These scholarships for Polish summer courses will be your best bet for improving your academic standing and learning about the intricate details of Polish culture without having to pay for tuition.

Why Poland?

In Europe, Poland is a shining example of democracy, freedom, and tolerance. It provides a special environment for intellectual and personal development with its dynamic fusion of historic tradition and modern progress. More than simply a classroom, the summer courses offered by NAWA provide an opportunity to engage with participants from across the world, experience Poland’s top tourist destinations, and get an appreciation of its rich cultural heritage.

Benefits of Summer Course Scholarships in Poland

For courses that are stationary, the scholarship pays for meals, lodging, and course costs. Participants bear the cost of their own transportation, health insurance, and other costs. For the experience to be meaningful, participation in course activities, attendance in class, and collaboration with the course organizers are required.

Who Can Apply?

The program warmly welcomes:

  • Foreign students and academic teachers who do not consider Polish their first language, do not study, work, or reside in Poland, and have at least a B1 level of proficiency in Polish or English.
  • Foreign teachers conducting Polish as a foreign language courses.

List of Summer Courses in Poland With Key Dates

NAWA’s 2024 summer courses boast an intensive curriculum, with full-time courses featuring approximately 7 hours of classes per day and distance learning options varying between 4 to 6 hours. The course lineup is diverse, catering to a broad range of academic interests and schedules:

  1. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Full-time course from July 1-28, 2024. Details here.
  2. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin: Full-time course from July 6-26, 2024. More info [here](https://www.umcs.pl/pl/zdrowie-kurs-nawa-2024, 8072.htm).
  3. University of Wrocław: Offering both full-time and intensive remote courses in July, 2024.
  4. University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań: Full-time course from July 22 – August 11, 2024. Details here.
  5. University of Silesia: Offers five different courses in August, including full-time and remote options. More info here.
  6. University of Lodz: Intensive remote course from August 5-25, 2024.

Experience Poland with NAWA This summer, immerse yourself in an educational journey through Poland. Embrace this chance to broaden your academic horizons, meet like-minded individuals, and create memories that will last a lifetime. For more detailed information, visit the respective universities’ websites or contact the program coordinator, Adam Brańko, at kurzdrowie@nawa.gov.pl.

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