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Shenyang Agricultural University (SYAU) Scholarships 2024

With the goal of encouraging and supporting foreign students to continue their studies in China, Shenyang Agricultural University (SYAU) has announced the Freshman Scholarship for International Students for the year 2024. This scholarship program is an expression of SYAU’s dedication to developing elite talent worldwide.

Who is Eligible?

The Freshman Scholarship is designed for international students enrolling for the first time in undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree programs at SYAU.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be self-funded international students.
  • Must apply to SYAU by May 1, 2024, and commence studies in September 2024.
  • Should have an outstanding academic performance and record.

SYAU Scholarship Benefits

Major Award

  • PhD students: Full waiver of the first-year accommodation fee (RMB 9600).
  • Undergraduate and Graduate students: Full waiver of the first-year accommodation fee (RMB 4200).

Minor Award

  • PhD students: Half waiver of the first-year accommodation fee (RMB 4800).
  • Undergraduate and Graduate students: Half waiver of the first-year accommodation fee (RMB 2100).

Application Materials

  1. Freshman Scholarship Application Form.
  2. Required documents for applying to study at SYAU.

SYAU Scholarship Application Deadline

The Office of International Exchange at SYAU will conduct the evaluation, ensuring a fair and transparent selection process whereas the application deadline is May 1, 2024. The results of SYAU Scholarship will be announced by July 15, 2024.

For further details or to apply, interested candidates can contact Ms. Zhao Qianhui at 024-88487167, [email protected], or [email protected].

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