!function(e,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?n(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],n):n((e=e||self).da={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";var n="undefined"!=typeof window&&window.flatpickr!==undefined?window.flatpickr:{l10ns:{}},a={weekdays:{shorthand:["søn","man","tir","ons","tors","fre","lør"],longhand:["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"]},months:{shorthand:["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec"],longhand:["januar","februar","marts","april","maj","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","december"]},ordinal:function(){return"."},firstDayOfWeek:1,rangeSeparator:" til ",weekAbbreviation:"uge",time_24hr:!0};n.l10ns.da=a;var r=n.l10ns;e.Danish=a,e["default"]=r,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})})); Sweden Work Permit 2024

Sweden Work Permit 2024: Categories, Qualifications, and Application Procedures for Jobs

Sweden Work Permit 2024: Professionals seeking a stimulating and creative work environment have several options in Sweden. To successfully work in Sweden, one must have a thorough understanding of the various types of work permits, the application procedure, the required documentation, and employment locations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to helping you through this process so you may apply for the appropriate kind of Swedish work visa in 2024 with the necessary paperwork and find employment with or without recruiting agencies.

5 Types of Sweden Work Permits in 2024

Sweden does not offer a “Job Seeker Visa” or an open work permit but has several specific work permit categories for those who wish to work in Sweden in 2024 as listed below:

  1. Employer-Sponsored Work Permit: This is the most common type. It requires a job contract with a Swedish employer, who initiates the application process.
  2. Intra-company Transfer Permit (ICT Permit): For employees transferring within a multinational company, valid up to three years with extension possibilities.
  3. Business Visa: Allows temporary stays for business meetings or conferences but does not permit employment in Sweden.
  4. Self-employment Permit: For freelancers and entrepreneurs with a viable business plan, valid for one year with extension options.
  5. Working Holiday Visa: For young adults (18-30 years) from certain countries, allowing them to work for up to one year.

Documents Required for Swden Work Permit Application Process

When applying for a work permit in Sweden, there are several common documents that all applicants need to prepare, as well as specific documents that vary depending on the type of permit you are applying for. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

List of Common Documents for All Types of Swedish Work Permits in 2024:

  • Valid Passport
  • Passport Photos
  • Proof of Financial Means
  • Health Insurance
  • Application Fee: Standard permit – SEK 2200 (€200), others – SEK 2000 (€180), with additional fees for family members and expedited processing.

List of Permit Specific Documents in 2024:

  • Employer-Sponsored Work Permit: Signed Employment Contract, Proof of Employer’s Advertisement, and Documentation of Salary and Working Conditions.
  • Intra-company Transfer (ICT) Permit: Proof of Employment with the company abroad for at least 1 year, and details of the transfer.
  • Business Visa: Invitation Letter for business meetings/conferences, and Proof of Business Activities.
  • Self-employment Permit: Detailed Business Plan, and Proof of Financial Resources for the business.
  • Working Holiday Visa: Proof of Financial Means, and Health and Accident Insurance.

What is Step by Step Application Process for Sweden Work VISA?

The step-by-step process to apply for a Swedish work permit is as follows:

  1. Secure a Job Offer: You need a job offer from a Swedish employer.
  2. Employer Initiates the Application: Your employer in Sweden starts the application by submitting an offer of employment and proving that the terms match Swedish standards.
  3. Gather Required Documents: Prepare the common documents and any specific ones related to your permit type.
  4. Submit Your Application: You can apply online through the Swedish Migration Agency’s website. In some cases, especially for certain nationalities or if you’re applying from within Sweden, you might need to apply in person at a Swedish embassy or consulate.
  5. Pay the Application Fee
  6. Wait for the Decision
  7. Provide Biometrics: If you apply from outside Sweden, you’ll need to visit a Swedish embassy or consulate to have your photograph and fingerprints taken for the residence permit card.
  8. Receive Your Work Permit: Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a residence permit card, which is proof of your permission to work in Sweden.
  9. Travel to Sweden: With your permit approved and residence card in hand, you can now travel to Sweden.
  10. Register in Sweden: Depending on your permit’s duration, you might need to register with various Swedish authorities upon arrival

Where to Find Jobs in Sweden in 2024?

Finding a job in Sweden can be approached through various channels, from online job portals to networking. Here are some key resources where you can start your job search, including links for easy access:

5 Recruitment Agencies in Sweden to Find Jobs with Work Permits

Here are the top 5 recruitment agencies in Sweden for finding jobs, including those with work permit provisions in 2024:

  1. Säljpoolen: Focuses on leadership, sales, and marketing positions.
  2. The Adecco Group: Offers a broad range of jobs across various industries globally.
  3. Manpower Sweden: Specializes in administration, sales, logistics, and manufacturing jobs.
  4. Michael Page: Recruits for finance, engineering, and IT sectors.
  5. Randstad: Provides temporary and permanent staffing solutions for several industries.

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