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UK Seasonal Worker Visa Now Available for Five More Years Until 2029 – Do You Qualify?

UK Seasonal Worker Visa: Good news for anybody looking for seasonal employment in the UK! The Seasonal Worker visa program has received a major 5-year extension from the British government, which will last until 2029. For both employees and businesses in the horticultural and agriculture industries, this is an incredible opportunity. However, are you qualified for this extension and what does it imply for you? Now let’s get started.

Why the Extension?

The UK has had a manpower shortage in several important areas, most notably horticulture and agriculture. In order to alleviate these shortages, the extended visa program offers a steady labor force while allowing companies the opportunity to invest in automation and other long-term fixes.

Who Can Apply?

To be eligible for the Seasonal Worker visa, you must:

  • Have a Certificate of Sponsorship: This means a UK employer must offer you a job and issue this certificate. Your sponsor must be listed as A-rated on the Home Office’s register and endorsed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
  • Be from an Eligible Country: The scheme is currently open to nationals of a wide range of countries. Check the official UK government website for the most up-to-date list.
  • Meet the Requirements: You must be able to prove your identity, demonstrate that you can support yourself financially, and meet health and character requirements. This includes holding at least £1,270 in personal savings for 28 consecutive days before applying, unless your sponsor can cover these costs​

What Jobs are Available on this New extended VISA?

This British seasonal work visa with new 5 year extension is primarily aimed at those seeking work in the following sectors:

  • Horticulture: Roles include fruit picking, vegetable harvesting, flower picking, planting, pruning, and operating harvest machinery.
  • Poultry: Jobs in poultry farming and processing, such as butchering, dressing birds, vaccination, and packing poultry meat.

What are the Benefits?

  • Legal Work: The visa allows you to work legally in the UK for up to 6 months at a time.
  • Earn a Living: You’ll be able to earn a competitive wage and potentially send money home to your family.
  • Gain Experience: Working in the UK can provide valuable experience and skills.
  • Cultural Exchange: Experience British culture and meet people from different backgrounds.

How to Apply?

  1. Find a Sponsor: Secure a job offer from a UK employer licensed to sponsor Seasonal Worker visas.
  2. Get Your Certificate of Sponsorship: Your employer will provide you with this essential document.
  3. Apply for the Visa: Submit your application online, paying the required fee of £298​ (GOV.UK)​.

Important Considerations:

  • Visa Limits: There are annual limits on the number of visas available, so it’s best to apply early.
  • Changes to the Scheme: Be aware that the specific details of the scheme, including the number of visas available, may be adjusted in the coming years.

Good Luck!

For individuals searching for employment prospects in the UK, the extended Seasonal Worker visa is a viable avenue. To improve your chances of success, if you’re interested, get started on your study and preparation as soon as possible.

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