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UK Warwick University SAGE Scholarships 2024

To narrow the gender gap in STEM disciplines, Warwick University is excited to offer a groundbreaking scholarship opportunity through its association with the British Council and assistance from the UK Government’s ASEAN – UK Supporting the Advancement of Girls’ Education (SAGE) initiative.

With this program, which provides financial aid to women who are keen to continue postsecondary study in these important fields of science, technology, engineering, and medicine, Warwick further demonstrates its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusiveness within these fields.

Warwick University Safe Scholarship Essentials

  • Offering: Five scholarships for postgraduate study commencing in September 2024.
  • Deadline: 12pm BST, 5th April 2024.
  • Eligibility: Women, passport holders, and permanent residents of specified ASEAN countries.
  • Application: Must be completed alongside an application for an eligible course at Warwick, requiring a Warwick application ID for the scholarship form.

Scholarship Benefits

Recipients of the ASEAN – UK SAGE Women in STEM scholarship will be awarded:

  • Full tuition for a one-year master’s programme.
  • A monthly living stipend for up to 12 months.
  • Return flights, airport transfers, and an excess baggage allowance.
  • Coverage for an IELTS test, immigration costs, and the National Health Service surcharge.

Eligible Courses and Countries

Warwick’s scholarship covers a wide range of master’s programmes from Analytical Sciences to Sustainable Automotive Electrification, aimed at advancing knowledge and skillsets in cutting-edge STEM fields. Eligible countries include Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Timor – Leste, and Vietnam, with special provisions for applicants from Indonesia and Thailand through Warwick’s own scholarship schemes.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Identify as a woman and be a resident of an eligible country.
  • Hold an unconditional offer for an eligible course at Warwick.
  • Demonstrate financial need and lack of other funding sources.
  • Meet the English language requirements of their chosen course.
  • Showcase motivation, academic ability, and a commitment to contributing to their home country’s socio-economic advancement post-graduation.

Application Process

Prospective scholars must first secure a place in an eligible postgraduate taught course at Warwick. With an offer in hand, they can then proceed to fill out the dedicated scholarship application form, available online. This process emphasizes the importance of early preparation, ensuring candidates meet both the course and scholarship application requirements well ahead of the April 2024 deadline.

Eligible Countries:

– Brunei Darussalam

– Cambodia

– Laos PDR

– Malaysia

– Myanmar

– Philippines

– Singapore

– Timor – Leste

– Vietnam

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