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YOS Test 2024 for Undergraduate Admissions in Turkey: An Overview

YOS Test 2024: A number of overseas students have recently been sent alerts encouraging them to take the YOS Test, which is required as part of the undergraduate admissions process for numerous Turkish universities. Students may feel both confused and curious about this development. It is imperative to explain that although the YOS Test is not a requirement for all overseas students, it can greatly increase the likelihood of receiving an undergraduate scholarship in Turkey.

Does the YOS Test need to be taken? If you are an international student, you are not need to give a simple answer.

The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of the YOS Test by clarifying its purpose, the dynamics of the procedure, and the tactical benefit it provides for students pursuing higher education in Turkey.

Türkiye Scholarships and YOS Test: What’s the Difference?

The Türkiye Scholarships program is a prestigious initiative by the Turkish government, aimed at offering financial support to international students for their undergraduate, graduate, and research studies in Turkey. Interested students must go through a separate application process, which is detailed on the official Türkiye Scholarships website.

Separate from the Türkiye Scholarships, the “Yabancı Öğrenci Sınavı” (Foreign Student Exam) becomes a mandatory prerequisite. Although the scholarships are primarily meant to provide financial assistance, the YOS Test serves as an important admission test designed for foreign students who are keen to enroll in undergraduate or associate degree programs offered by Turkish institutions. It is important to emphasize that taking this test does not guarantee admission to a Master’s or PhD program.

The YOS Test Explained

The YOS Test aims to assess two main areas: Basic Learning Skills and Mathematics. It is designed to evaluate a candidate’s math abilities, general problem-solving skills (often seen as an IQ test component), and knowledge of mathematical concepts at a high school level (around 10th grade).

  • Mathematics (35 questions): This section includes algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and some calculus, depending on the university’s requirements.
  • General Ability and Logic (45 questions): Features logic puzzles, visual puzzles, and verbal analogies to test reasoning, analytical thinking skills, and the ability to identify relationships between shapes or words.

Pattern of the YOS Test in 2024

The structure of the YOS test is quite consistent across Turkish universities, though slight variations may occur depending on the institution. Typically, the test consists of:

  • Two main sections: Test of Basic Learning Skills (TBLS) and Mathematics, focusing on problem-solving, analytical thinking, and high school-level mathematical knowledge.
  • 80-100 total questions: TBLS usually comprises 40-45 questions and Mathematics makes up 35-40 questions.
  • Multiple-choice format: Across both sections, with questions designed to challenge the student’s reasoning and understanding of mathematical concepts.

YOS Test Fees

The fee for taking the YOS test can vary based on several factors, including the exam location and the specific exam center. Generally, the cost ranges from a minimum of around 150 Turkish Lira (TRY) in some countries to a maximum of up to 100 USD.

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